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Step into BESTSELLER ENERGY & unlock the secrets to your dreamiest & most successful career!

It's time to get visible and get paid as a writer.

You can't afford to be invisible.

Writing, publishing and book marketing gurus will tell you that to be successful as an author, you need the right STRATEGY — targeting your dream reader, a structured outline, a carefully planned book launch and social media posting schedule, etc. While this is valuable (I also teach this!), did you know that scientifically, physical reality contributes to less than 1% of our existence?

Why does posting daily on Instagram make one author blow up and another hear crickets? And why does Jessica get all the sales and speaking opportunities while nobody pays attention to you? Why do YOU get paralyzed by the THOUGHT of sharing your story or showing up online, while someone else doesn't even bat an eye?

Success isn't always about having the most original book idea or being the most talented writer. We've all read popular books we could have written ourselves, but they made millions. Why? 

What successful authors DO have in common is the ability to toot their own horn and find safety in the ability to be seen, heard and misunderstood by the masses, knowing that they can trust their authentic expression and are already solid in their self-worth. They don't wait for external validation, and they make the first move.

They take aligned, joyful action trusting that failure is a learning opportunity and rejection is redirection. They have a relaxed and healthy relationship with self-expression and self-promotion. As a result, people feel the flow and are magnetized towards them and buy.

Flourishing authors know how to work with the other 99% — they embody BESTSELLER ENERGY. This is what I’ll be teaching you.

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BESTSELLER ENERGY (noun): An aspiring or published author who chooses to be an empowered designer of their destiny, who continuously shares their truth, and expands their capacity for abundance and success, therefore effortlessly attracting opportunities, prosperity, recognition and embodied self-confidence.


This is for you if you...

  • Are an HSP (highly-sensitive person), perfectionist or overthinker, and can't break through fears, doubts and limiting beliefs. You constantly face writer's block, procrastination, imposter syndrome and self-sabotage.
  • Have been thinking about writing a book for months or years and have yet to get started. There's always something more pressing that gets in the way.
  • Are shy about showing up online, intimidated by sales or have the marketing "ick". You want to share with conviction, sell more books and see social media as a fun portal for creative expression.
  • Worry if you're too honest and authentic, you will trigger or upset someone. How do you write or show up authentically without offending anyone?
  • Have edited, formatted, and designed your book cover but can't hit "publish". Your nervous system is in panic mode. What will people say/think? What if nobody likes it?!
  • Freeze at the thought of pitching your book to stores or speaking at events. You want the confidence to show up to any public space and lead with authority.
  • Are a rebel soul. You know you want to design your life YOUR way and live comfortably off your writing.
  • Feel like you've tried EVERY strategy out there, but STILL struggle. You've researched and purchased so many programs, but none of them get to the ROOT cause of WHY you aren't seeing results.

HACK your brain & nervous system for visibility & success.

Just because you've always "been this way" doesn't mean you are stuck. But playing small will only yield small results. The reason we stay inside our comfort zones is due to survival instincts passed down from our ancestors. We are wired to connect and as highly-sensitive people and overthinkers, we fear rejection/isolation and being seen by the masses because we can't please everyone or control how we are perceived.

In today's world, we no longer need the tribe for survival. But no matter how much you tell yourself to shine brighter, your brain still says, Hell no, and good ol' self-sabotage kicks in. This can look like writer's block, procrastination, perfectionism, fear of releasing your book, lack of sales, exhaustion, and even giving off subtle cues in your energy, words and body language that you don't want to be seen — repelling readers, money and opportunities. And if you're not self-aware, you might throw in the towel and think, I'm not meant for this.

We're going to teach you how to upgrade your capacity for abundance and success and tap into BESTSELLER ENERGY — so you become someone who feels free and safe to be seen. Writing and marketing from an authentic place will become easy and effortless.

As someone who has worked with hundreds of aspiring and published authors, and have seen this shift in myself and my clients over the years, this is accessible to everyone. It just requires a desire to take personal responsibility and the letting go of an old identity that no longer serves you. (Not to mention all the random side benefits, such as losing weight because you're no longer protecting yourself, and better relationships because you can communicate vulnerably.)

When you master what I teach, you will be unstoppable!

E X P A N D !


You've tried alllll the "strategies" and you're ready for something different.

Using a blend of neuroscience, quantum physics, energy work and psychology, E X P A N D dives deep into the spiritual and intuitive side of getting visible and getting paid as a highly-sensitive writer, author and creative. It's the core process I personally use every day for rewiring my brain and nervous system to be comfortable with being visible and playing a bigger game.

We'll deconstruct unhelpful belief systems, reverse-engineer your author identity, and completely transform your energetic frequency so you feel safe to show up and blow up in your writing and marketing — WITHOUT "willpower" or suffering through boring strategies.

You'll become the purest, most magnetic version of yourself as you draw in more money and new opportunities like a magnet. Finally shed that guarded energy that people are picking up on.

People will want to see more of you!

Learn how to:

  • Write without resistance

  • Gain confidence showing up and selling your book

  • Stop the self-sabotage cycle

  • Understand yourself at a deeper level

  • Regulate your nervous system so taking action feels easy

  • Stop worrying about what people think

  • Break through fears, doubts and limiting beliefs

  • Show up as your most authentic and successful self

  • Magnetize your dream readers so you can make passive sales in your sleep

  • Attract opportunities that BLOW up your career

  • Expand your capacity for being seen and heard by the masses

  • Clear emotional and energetic blocks

  • Transform your identity and shift into another timeline

  • And so much more!

The Method:

Step into BESTSELLER ENERGY using our MindBodySoul Method™. Each module builds upon the next to take you through a series of tools and practices for your best and most abundant author career by shifting your energetic frequency at the DNA level.

✨ INTRODUCTION: Set the foundations and identify your Bestseller Energy Blueprint, practice tools to regulate your nervous system so you're relaxed and open to receive divine downloads, and create a sacred morning (or evening) ritual so you can shift into a consistent state of abundance and flow.

EXPAND the MIND: Learn the 10 key mindset shifts you need to feel like the creator of your reality and overcome self-sabotage. Learn 2 subconscious reprogramming techniques to rewire and neutralize any limiting belief. Achieve unwavering self-confidence as a creative and watch yourself start taking bolder action.

EXPAND the BODY: Mindset is not enough on its own. As overthinkers and highly-sensitive beings, many of us tend to "think" our feelings (anxious looping thoughts anyone?) instead of "feel" our feelings. Learn our unique 3-step process to unblock trapped energy in the body for good through somatic practices so you are no longer controlled by fears and doubts. This work elevates you to a higher vibration so you feel amazing while simultaneously attracting new circumstances. We'll touch upon the 7 Chakras, how each block is connected and what it means for you. 

✨ EXPAND the SOUL: Take everything you've learned and QUANTUM LEAP into a new reality! Through a combination of energy, embodiment and identity work, get practical tools to create a magical outcome as you step into your new reality and Bestseller Energy. See new opportunities and synchronicities as if appearing out of thin air and start attracting new levels of success and visibility. If you've ever been curious about reality-bending, you'll love this.

What's included:

  • The "E X P A N D" Portal: 4 in-depth modules with step-by-step trainings and powerful embodiment techniques to shift you to your next level.

  • The "E X P A N D" Workbook: A fillable PDF that breaks down each step along your EXPAND journey so you can keep yourself accountable and on track.

  • Private Facebook Mastermind Community: Get 24/7 access to like-minded aspiring and published authors to connect, get support, ask questions and share your wins.

  • BONUS Bestselling Book Bundle: 30+ high-quality writing, publishing and marketing templates and resources for a successful and prosperous author career.

  • BONUS LIVE Q&A on August 21st at 1pm PST

First module drops July 22nd!

The path to author success starts with you.

Total Value:
Early-Bird Pricing:

This is the LOWEST PRICE you'll ever get for this program.

Hi! I'm Pia, a 5x Bestselling Author & Intuitive Book Doula


I began the first chapter of my entrepreneurial journey writing and self-publishing books, the second part helping others do the same, and am now in my third chapter helping creatives clear subconscious blocks that prevent them from getting visible and getting paid for their passions.

Self-publishing my books helped me make multiple 6-figures in book sales, leave my stressful 9-5, start a business, and get featured in magazines like Elle and MindBodyGreen. But it wasn’t my actions alone that created results. I used the very tools you're about to learn to help me trust my intuition and step into my own Bestseller Energy.

Having helped hundreds of aspiring and published authors write and self-publish their own books over the past 8 years, I kept seeing (and hearing) the same blocks over and over again.

I also noticed a big difference between those who keep getting amazing results vs. those who kept giving up or getting stuck. I got tired of seeing incredibly talented people with SO much potential get paralyzed in the self-sabotage cycle so I decided to create EXPAND.

I’ve spent an obsessive amount of time studying energy, quantum physics, manifestation, trauma, healing modalities and more, JUST so I could be brave enough to show up for myself. I’ve worked with spiritual teachers and taken countless certifications that, at the time were just for fun, are now more relevant than ever such as Reiki, Intuitive Coaching, Hypnosis, a Psychology degree, Peer Counseling, Emotional Intelligence for Leadership, Myers-Briggs, and Tarot.

This program blends everything I know into a unique framework, and these are the exact tools I still use daily to work through my fears and blocks. I know they will help you too so you can get the success and abundance you deserve!


Here's what past author students have to say:

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JoeD Authenticity
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Maybe she's born with it...
Maybe it's Bestseller Energy 🎶



When will I have access to the program? The program launches July 22nd and you will receive a new module weekly.

Do I need to be a writer to join? Not at all! This course applies to any creative, especially if you identify as highly-sensitive, neurodivergent, a perfectionist, empath or overthinker who wants to confidently create something you're passionate about, while mastering your energetics.

I haven’t written a book yet, will this help me? YES, you’ll be way ahead of the game. These tools will help you with boldly expressing yourself in your writing and marketing, no matter where you are in your journey.

Are these guided meditations?: No, while you'll get a few guided meditations, the bulk of the program is here to TEACH you the exact steps to clearing and upgrading your energetic frequency. I created this program so you would learn to use the tools on yourself, without outside guidance. You will be in full control as you develop and use your intuition and inner guidance.

Will I have lifetime access?: Yes!

Are refunds an option?: No refunds are available, so make sure you're 100% committed when you sign up.

The most important investment you'll make to master your energetics and get permanent, lasting changes.

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